We provide complete event entertainment solutions for you so that you can rest without stressing about last minute surprises

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Creating lasting memories through quality service.


Powering events by the virtue of excellence to all clients.

How much do event planners charge

The fees charged by event planners can vary widely depending on several factors such as the complexity of the event, the planner’s experience and expertise, geographic location, the scale of the event, and the specific services requested by the client.

Event planners typically charge in one of the following ways:

  1. Percentage of the Total Budget: Some event planners charge a percentage of the total budget for the event. This percentage can range from 10% to 20% or even more in some cases. For example, if the total budget for an event is $50,000 and the event planner charges 15%, the fee would be $7,500.
  2. Flat Fee: Others may charge a flat fee for their services, regardless of the event budget. This fee can be negotiated based on the scope of work involved.
  3. Hourly Rate: Some event planners charge an hourly rate for their services. This can range from $50 to $200 or more per hour, depending on the planner’s experience and location.
  4. Package Pricing: Event planners may offer packages that include a set of services for a fixed price. These packages can vary in price depending on the services included and the size of the event.

It’s essential to discuss your specific needs and expectations with our event planning company to get an accurate quote for their services. Additionally, you should inquire about any additional fees or expenses that may be incurred during the planning process.



Sharing all the details of the event with our representative, then receiving a copy of the brief’s summary.

Proposal Discussion

Holding a conversation around a document containing the event’s plan, and budgetary details.


Making the initial transaction to book us for the event.

Event Execution

Implementing all the details of the proposal discussion, as well as making the final transaction.


Event Visual Solutions

Through our stage designing, we complement the effects of both lights, and LED screens. Beyond the concept development stage, our visual designers execute a flawless setup that highlights the experience of different moments in the event’s program.The resolution of our visual gear is top-notch. It brings the best brand experience.

Event Entertainment

We provide compelete event entertainment solutions ranging from DJ services, MC/Host services, Live Band services, Choreography services, among others. We literally lift the hassle that comes with building a solid entertainment team.

Event Audio Systems

Our audio gear delivers unmatched clarity. We have invested in globally trusted brands such as Mackie,Peavey, EletroVoice, Wharfdale, Shure, Proel, etc. We pride ourselves to be one of the best event equipment rental services in Kenya.


We stick to our value system when it comes to how we operate:

  • Excellence:

    Outdoing ourselves in the quality of work we deliver.

  • Customer Experience:

    Honoring our clients by creating value for their investment.

  • Relationship:

    Leaving an everlasting impression that builds a connection with people.

  • Reliability:

    Demonstrating integrity in our commitments.

  • Passion:

    Doing “one more thing” in pursuit of service.

What services do event planners typically offer?

Event planners typically offer a wide range of services to help clients plan and execute successful events. These services may vary based on the type, size, and complexity of the event, as well as the specific needs and preferences of the client. Here are some common services that event planners offer:

  1. Event Concept and Design: Event planners work with clients to develop a concept and theme for the event. They help create a cohesive design plan that reflects the client’s vision and objectives.
  2. Venue Selection and Management: Event planners assist in selecting an appropriate venue for the event based on factors such as location, capacity, amenities, and budget. They may also negotiate contracts and coordinate logistics with the venue management.
  3. Vendor Coordination: Event planners liaise with various vendors such as caterers, florists, photographers, videographers, entertainers, and rental companies to secure services and products needed for the event. They manage contracts, schedules, and communication with vendors throughout the planning process.
  4. Budget Management: Event planners help clients establish a realistic budget for the event and allocate funds effectively to meet their goals. They track expenses, provide cost estimates, and make recommendations to help clients stay within budget constraints.
  5. Timeline and Schedule Creation: Event planners develop detailed timelines and schedules outlining key milestones, deadlines, and tasks leading up to the event. They ensure that all elements of the event are coordinated and executed smoothly within the specified timeframe.
  6. Guest List Management: Event planners assist in managing guest lists, RSVPs, and attendee communications. They may also coordinate accommodations, transportation, and special arrangements for VIP guests or speakers.
  7. Logistics and On-Site Coordination: On the day of the event, event planners oversee all logistical aspects, including setup, decorations, audiovisual equipment, catering, and guest services. They troubleshoot any issues that may arise and ensure that the event runs smoothly from start to finish.
  8. Event Marketing and Promotion: Depending on the client’s needs, event planners may provide assistance with marketing and promotion efforts to attract attendees and generate buzz for the event. This may include creating promotional materials, managing social media campaigns, and coordinating media outreach.
  9. Post-Event Evaluation: After the event, event planners may conduct a post-event evaluation to assess the success of the event, gather feedback from clients and attendees, and identify areas for improvement in future events.

Overall, event planners offer comprehensive support and expertise to help clients bring their vision to life and create memorable experiences for their guests.

How far in advance should I book an event planner?

The ideal timeframe for booking an event planner can vary depending on several factors, including the type and scale of the event, the availability of the planner, and the complexity of the planning process. However, it’s generally recommended to book an event planner as early as possible, especially for larger or more elaborate events. Here are some guidelines to consider:

  1. Large Events: For weddings, corporate conferences, galas, or other significant events, it’s advisable to book an event planner at least 9 to 12 months in advance, if not more. This allows ample time for the planner to secure the desired venue, vendors, and services, as well as to develop and execute a comprehensive plan for the event.
  2. Medium-Sized Events: For events of moderate size and complexity, such as birthday parties, anniversary celebrations, or smaller corporate gatherings, booking an event planner 6 to 9 months in advance is generally sufficient. This timeframe provides enough time to plan and coordinate all necessary details while still ensuring availability.
  3. Smaller Events: For more intimate or casual events, such as family reunions, holiday parties, or simple gatherings, you may be able to book an event planner closer to the date of the event, typically 3 to 6 months in advance. However, keep in mind that popular planners may still have limited availability, so it’s best to inquire early if you have specific preferences.
  4. Peak Seasons and Holidays: During peak seasons (such as spring and summer for weddings) and popular holiday dates, event planners tend to book up quickly. It’s wise to secure a planner well in advance if your event falls during these busy times to ensure you have access to the best options and avoid last-minute stress.
  5. Destination Events: If your event involves travel or destination planning, it’s essential to book an event planner even further in advance, as these events often require additional logistical coordination and may have limited availability for venues and vendors in the desired location.

In summary, while there is no one-size-fits-all answer, booking an event planner early provides several advantages, including access to preferred vendors, greater flexibility in scheduling, and reduced stress as the event date approaches. It’s a good idea to start researching and reaching out to potential event planners as soon as you have a date and basic idea of your event’s requirements.

What factors influence the cost of hiring an event planner?

The cost of hiring an event planner can vary widely based on several factors. Understanding these factors can help you anticipate and budget for the expenses associated with hiring an event planner. Here are some key factors that influence the cost:

  1. Scope of Services: The extent of services provided by the event planner is a significant determinant of the cost. Some planners offer comprehensive packages that include everything from event design to on-site coordination, while others may offer a la carte services. The more services you require, the higher the cost is likely to be.
  2. Event Size and Complexity: Larger events with more guests and intricate logistical requirements generally require more time and effort to plan and execute. Events with multiple locations, complex setups, or special requirements may also incur higher costs due to increased planning and coordination efforts.
  3. Event Type: The type of event you’re planning can also impact the cost of hiring an event planner. Weddings, corporate events, and nonprofit fundraisers often involve different levels of planning and coordination, which can affect pricing. Events with specific themes, cultural traditions, or unique elements may require specialized expertise, which could result in higher fees.
  4. Experience and Expertise: Event planners with extensive experience and a strong reputation in the industry often command higher fees. Their expertise, track record of successful events, and network of trusted vendors can add value to your event but may come at a premium price.
  5. Location: The location of your event can influence the cost of hiring an event planner. Planners in major metropolitan areas or popular destination wedding locations may have higher fees due to higher living costs and market demand. Additionally, if your event requires travel, transportation, or accommodation for the planner, these expenses may be factored into the overall cost.
  6. Timeframe: The amount of time available to plan and execute the event can impact pricing. Rushed or last-minute requests may require additional resources and expedited services, which could result in higher fees. Booking an event planner well in advance can often result in more favorable pricing and availability.
  7. Additional Services and Expenses: In addition to the planner’s fees, there may be additional expenses associated with the event planning process, such as venue rentals, catering, decorations, and entertainment. Some event planners may offer these services in-house or provide recommendations for preferred vendors, while others may require you to secure these services independently.

By considering these factors and discussing your specific needs and budget with potential event planners, you can make an informed decision and ensure that you receive the services you desire within your financial constraints.

Are there any additional fees I should be aware of?

Yes, there are several additional fees and expenses that you should be aware of when hiring an event planner. While these fees can vary depending on the planner and the specifics of your event, here are some common additional costs to consider:

  1. Travel Expenses: If your event planner needs to travel to your event location or to meet with vendors, you may be responsible for covering their travel expenses, including airfare, accommodations, ground transportation, and meals.
  2. Vendor Fees: Event planners often work with a network of preferred vendors, such as caterers, florists, photographers, and rental companies. While the planner can help you negotiate favorable rates with these vendors, you will still be responsible for paying their fees directly.
  3. Venue Rental and Permits: If your event requires renting a venue or obtaining permits for specific activities or locations, these costs may not be included in the event planner’s fee. You’ll need to budget separately for venue rental fees, security deposits, and any necessary permits or licenses.
  4. Equipment Rentals: Depending on the requirements of your event, you may need to rent equipment such as audiovisual systems, lighting, staging, or furniture. Your event planner can help coordinate equipment rentals, but you’ll need to budget for these additional expenses.
  5. Decor and Styling: While event planners can assist with event design and decor, the cost of decorations, floral arrangements, signage, and other styling elements may not be included in the planner’s fee. You’ll need to budget for decor expenses separately, including any design or styling services provided by the planner.
  6. Insurance Coverage: Some venues may require event organizers to obtain liability insurance or event insurance coverage to protect against accidents, damages, or other unforeseen circumstances. You may need to purchase insurance separately or work with your event planner to ensure adequate coverage.
  7. Overtime Charges: If your event runs longer than originally planned or requires additional hours of service from the event planner or their staff, you may incur overtime charges. Be sure to discuss overtime rates and policies with your planner in advance to avoid unexpected costs.
  8. Taxes and Gratuities: Depending on your location and the services provided, you may be subject to taxes on event planning services and vendor fees. Additionally, it’s customary to budget for gratuities or tips for vendors and staff involved in your event.

By discussing these potential additional fees and expenses with your event planner upfront and including them in your event budget, you can ensure that there are no surprises and that your event planning process proceeds smoothly and within your financial constraints.

How can I find the right event planner for my needs?

Finding the right event planner for your needs involves careful research, consideration of your event requirements, and thorough evaluation of potential candidates. Here are some steps to help you find the perfect event planner:

  1. Define Your Event Needs: Before you start searching for an event planner, take some time to clarify your event objectives, budget, timeline, and specific requirements. Consider the type of event you’re planning, the size of your guest list, your preferred style and theme, and any special considerations or preferences you have.
  2. Ask for Recommendations: Reach out to friends, family members, colleagues, and other trusted sources who have experience working with event planners. Ask for recommendations based on their personal experiences and any event planners they would recommend.
  3. Research Online: Use online resources such as search engines, social media platforms, and event planning directories to research and identify potential event planners in your area. Review their websites, portfolios, client testimonials, and social media profiles to learn more about their services, experience, and style.
  4. Check Credentials and Experience: Look for event planners who have relevant experience and expertise in planning events similar to yours. Consider factors such as their track record of successful events, industry certifications or memberships, and any specialized skills or qualifications they possess.
  5. Schedule Consultations: Once you’ve narrowed down your list of potential event planners, schedule initial consultations or meetings with each candidate to discuss your event vision, requirements, and expectations. Use this opportunity to ask questions, share your ideas, and evaluate the planner’s communication style, professionalism, and compatibility with your personality and preferences.
  6. Review Portfolios and References: Ask each event planner to provide examples of past events they have planned, including photos, videos, or case studies. Request references from previous clients and vendors to get firsthand feedback on their experiences working with the planner and the quality of their services.
  7. Discuss Pricing and Terms: Inquire about the event planner’s pricing structure, payment policies, and any additional fees or expenses you should be aware of. Make sure you understand what services are included in the planner’s fee and clarify any questions or concerns you have about the contract terms.
  8. Trust Your Instincts: Ultimately, trust your instincts and choose an event planner who makes you feel confident, comfortable, and excited about the prospect of working together. Select a planner who demonstrates a genuine understanding of your vision and a commitment to bringing it to life while respecting your budget and priorities.

By following these steps and investing time and effort in finding the right event planner, you can ensure that your event planning process is smooth, stress-free, and ultimately results in a successful and memorable event.

Do event planners require a deposit or retainer?

Yes, it’s common for event planners to require a deposit or retainer fee to secure their services and reserve the date for your event. The deposit serves as a commitment from the client to hire the event planner and compensates the planner for the time and resources they invest in the planning process.

The specific deposit or retainer amount can vary depending on the event planner’s policies, the scope of services, and the overall cost of the event. Typically, the deposit is a percentage of the total event planning fee and is due at the time of signing the contract or shortly thereafter.

Here are some key points to consider regarding event planner deposits or retainers:

  1. Percentage of Total Fee: The deposit amount is often a percentage of the total event planning fee, which can range from 25% to 50% or more, depending on the planner’s requirements.
  2. Non-Refundable: In many cases, the deposit is non-refundable, meaning that if you cancel the event or terminate the contract for any reason, you may forfeit the deposit. This helps compensate the planner for the time and effort they’ve already invested in the planning process.
  3. Applied Toward Final Payment: The deposit is typically applied toward the final payment for the event planning services. Once the event is successfully completed and all outstanding fees are paid, any remaining balance after deducting the deposit will be due to the planner.
  4. Contract Terms: It’s important to review the contract carefully to understand the deposit requirements, payment schedule, and any other terms and conditions related to hiring the event planner. Make sure you are comfortable with the terms before signing the contract.
  5. Payment Methods: Event planners may accept various forms of payment for deposits, including checks, credit cards, or electronic transfers. Discuss payment options with the planner and determine the most convenient method for both parties.

By understanding the deposit or retainer requirements and adhering to the terms outlined in the contract, you can secure the services of an event planner and initiate the planning process with confidence and clarity.

Can I negotiate the fee with an event planner?

Yes, in many cases, you can negotiate the fee with an event planner, especially if you have specific budget constraints or requirements. Event planners may be open to discussing their fees and finding a pricing structure that works for both parties. Here are some tips for negotiating the fee with an event planner:

  1. Understand the Value: Before entering into negotiations, make sure you understand the value of the services provided by the event planner. Consider factors such as their experience, expertise, track record of successful events, and the level of service they offer.
  2. Research Comparable Rates: Research industry standards and typical rates for event planning services in your area. This will give you a benchmark for comparison and help you determine whether the planner’s fees are reasonable given the scope of services and your event requirements.
  3. Be Transparent About Your Budget: Clearly communicate your budget limitations and financial constraints to the event planner from the outset. By being transparent about your budget, you can work together to find creative solutions and adjust the scope of services to align with your financial parameters.
  4. Focus on Value-Added Services: Rather than solely focusing on reducing the fee, consider negotiating for additional value-added services or perks that the event planner can offer within your budget. This could include complimentary upgrades, discounts on vendor services, or extended hours of service on the day of the event.
  5. Consider Flexible Payment Terms: Explore options for flexible payment terms, such as installment payments or milestone-based payments, that can help spread out the cost of hiring the event planner over time and alleviate financial strain.
  6. Be Willing to Compromise: Keep in mind that negotiation is a collaborative process, and both parties may need to make concessions to reach a mutually beneficial agreement. Be open to compromise and explore different options for structuring the fee to accommodate both your needs and the event planner’s requirements.
  7. Review the Contract Carefully: Once you’ve negotiated the fee and agreed upon the terms, review the contract carefully to ensure that all agreements are accurately reflected in writing. Clarify any ambiguities or concerns before signing the contract to avoid misunderstandings down the line.

By approaching fee negotiation with transparency, flexibility, and a willingness to compromise, you can work together with the event planner to find a pricing arrangement that meets your needs and delivers the best value for your event.

What happens if I need to cancel or reschedule my event?

If you need to cancel or reschedule your event, it’s important to understand the terms and conditions outlined in your contract with the event planner, as well as any policies or procedures specific to the vendors and venues involved in your event. Here are some general guidelines for handling cancellations or rescheduling:

  1. Review the Contract: Carefully review the cancellation and rescheduling policies outlined in your contract with the event planner. Pay attention to any deadlines, fees, or penalties associated with cancellations or changes to the event date.
  2. Notify the Event Planner: As soon as you know that you need to cancel or reschedule your event, notify the event planner immediately. Provide as much advance notice as possible to allow the planner to adjust their schedule and make necessary arrangements.
  3. Discuss Options: Discuss your reasons for canceling or rescheduling the event with the event planner and explore potential options for mitigating any financial or logistical impact. Depending on the circumstances, the planner may be able to offer flexibility in rescheduling the event or finding alternative solutions.
  4. Consider Fees and Penalties: Be prepared to incur fees or penalties for canceling or rescheduling your event, especially if you’re doing so close to the scheduled date. The amount of fees or penalties may vary depending on the terms of your contract and the policies of your event planner and other vendors.
  5. Communicate with Vendors and Venues: In addition to notifying the event planner, communicate with any vendors, venues, or other service providers involved in your event to inform them of the changes and discuss any implications for their services or arrangements.
  6. Document Everything: Keep a record of all communications, agreements, and changes related to the cancellation or rescheduling of your event. This includes written correspondence, email exchanges, and updated contracts or agreements with vendors and the event planner.
  7. Consider Insurance Coverage: If you have event insurance or liability insurance, review your policy to determine whether it provides coverage for cancellations or disruptions due to unforeseen circumstances, such as inclement weather, illness, or emergencies.
  8. Reschedule and Plan Ahead: If you’re rescheduling your event for a later date, work closely with the event planner to develop a new timeline, coordinate logistics, and ensure that all necessary arrangements are in place for the revised event date.

By communicating openly and proactively with your event planner and other stakeholders, you can navigate the process of canceling or rescheduling your event with minimal disruption and ensure that the necessary arrangements are made to accommodate your changing needs and circumstances.

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