We provide complete event entertainment solutions for you so that you can rest without stressing about last minute surprises

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Creating lasting memories through quality service.


Powering events by the virtue of excellence to all clients.

NGO events in Nairobi

NGO events in Nairobi encompass a wide range of activities and initiatives organized by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to raise awareness, advocate for causes, mobilize support, and effect positive change in various social, environmental, and humanitarian issues. These events often serve as platforms for networking, collaboration, and community engagement, bringing together stakeholders, volunteers, donors, policymakers, and the public to address pressing challenges and promote sustainable development.

NGO events in Nairobi may include:

  1. Awareness Campaigns and Workshops:
    • NGOs organize awareness campaigns, workshops, and seminars to educate communities about specific issues such as health, education, human rights, environmental conservation, gender equality, and poverty alleviation. These events provide information, resources, and tools to empower individuals and communities to take action and advocate for change.
  2. Fundraising Events and Galas:
    • Fundraising events, galas, and charity balls are organized by NGOs to mobilize financial support for their programs, projects, and initiatives. These events may include auctions, raffles, performances, and guest speakers to attract donors, sponsors, and supporters. Funds raised are used to finance critical services, interventions, and advocacy efforts.
  3. Community Outreach and Volunteer Programs:
    • NGOs engage in community outreach and volunteer programs to address local needs, strengthen social cohesion, and build resilience. These programs involve community service projects, clean-up campaigns, health clinics, youth empowerment initiatives, and skills training workshops. They foster collaboration, solidarity, and mutual support among community members.
  4. Advocacy and Policy Dialogue:
    • NGOs facilitate advocacy campaigns, policy dialogues, and public forums to raise awareness, influence decision-making, and advocate for policy reforms on issues of social justice, governance, human rights, and environmental sustainability. These events provide platforms for dialogue, debate, and consensus-building among stakeholders, policymakers, and civil society organizations.
  5. Capacity Building and Training Programs:
    • NGOs organize capacity building and training programs to enhance the skills, knowledge, and capacities of individuals, organizations, and communities. These programs cover topics such as leadership development, project management, fundraising strategies, advocacy tactics, and monitoring and evaluation techniques. They empower participants to become effective agents of change and development.
  6. Cultural and Arts Events:
    • NGOs promote cultural exchange, diversity, and creative expression through cultural festivals, art exhibitions, film screenings, music concerts, and theater performances. These events celebrate cultural heritage, promote social inclusion, and foster dialogue across different communities and identities.
  7. Environmental Conservation Initiatives:
    • NGOs engage in environmental conservation initiatives, tree planting campaigns, wildlife conservation projects, and eco-tours to raise awareness about environmental issues, promote sustainable practices, and protect natural habitats and biodiversity. These initiatives promote environmental stewardship and encourage individuals to adopt eco-friendly behaviors.

NGO events in Nairobi play a crucial role in fostering collaboration, solidarity, and collective action to address pressing challenges and advance sustainable development goals at the local, national, and global levels. For more information, kindly visit our official website. They provide platforms for dialogue, innovation, and collaboration, driving positive change and making meaningful contributions to society.



Sharing all the details of the event with our representative, then receiving a copy of the brief’s summary.

Proposal Discussion

Holding a conversation around a document containing the event’s plan, and budgetary details.


Making the initial transaction to book us for the event.

Event Execution

Implementing all the details of the proposal discussion, as well as making the final transaction.


Event Visual Solutions

Through our stage designing, we complement the effects of both lights, and LED screens. Beyond the concept development stage, our visual designers execute a flawless setup that highlights the experience of different moments in the event’s program.The resolution of our visual gear is top-notch. It brings the best brand experience.

Event Entertainment

We provide compelete event entertainment solutions ranging from DJ services, MC/Host services, Live Band services, Choreography services, among others. We literally lift the hassle that comes with building a solid entertainment team.

Event Audio Systems

Our audio gear delivers unmatched clarity. We have invested in globally trusted brands such as Mackie,Peavey, EletroVoice, Wharfdale, Shure, Proel, etc. We pride ourselves to be one of the best event equipment rental services in Kenya.


We stick to our value system when it comes to how we operate:

  • Excellence:

    Outdoing ourselves in the quality of work we deliver.

  • Customer Experience:

    Honoring our clients by creating value for their investment.

  • Relationship:

    Leaving an everlasting impression that builds a connection with people.

  • Reliability:

    Demonstrating integrity in our commitments.

  • Passion:

    Doing “one more thing” in pursuit of service.

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Our Clients


We provide complete event entertainment solutions for you so that you can rest without stressing about last minute surprises

Check Our Services


Creating lasting memories through quality service.


Powering events by the virtue of excellence to all clients.

How to organize an Event in Kenya

Organizing an event in Kenya, whether it’s a conference, wedding, concert, or any other gathering, involves several key steps. Here’s a general guide to help you plan and execute a successful event in Kenya:

  1. Define the Event Objectives:
    • Clearly outline the goals and objectives of your event. Understand the purpose and what you aim to achieve to guide the planning process.
  2. Budget Planning:
    • Establish a realistic budget that covers all anticipated expenses, including venue costs, catering, entertainment, marketing, and other miscellaneous items. Allocate funds wisely based on your priorities.
  3. Select a Suitable Venue:
    • Choose a venue that aligns with the event’s size, theme, and logistics. Consider factors like accessibility, capacity, facilities, and ambiance. Popular event venues in Kenya include hotels, conference centers, and dedicated event spaces.
  4. Obtain Necessary Permits and Licenses:
    • Check with local authorities and regulatory bodies to ensure you have all the required permits and licenses. This may include permits for public events, alcohol licenses, and health and safety clearances.
  5. Event Date and Timing:
    • Select a date and time that is convenient for your target audience and aligns with the nature of your event. Be mindful of public holidays and other events that may affect attendance.
  6. Event Logistics:
    • Plan the logistics, including transportation, parking, and accommodation if necessary. Ensure that attendees can easily access the venue and that there are sufficient facilities for their comfort.
  7. Event Marketing and Promotion:
    • Create a comprehensive marketing strategy to promote your event. Utilize social media, email marketing, traditional media, and partnerships to reach your target audience. Consider collaborating with local influencers or relevant organizations for increased visibility.
  8. Registration and Ticketing:
    • If applicable, set up an efficient registration and ticketing system. Online platforms can simplify the process and help you keep track of attendee numbers.
  9. Catering Services:
    • Arrange for catering services that suit the preferences of your audience. Ensure there are options for different dietary needs, and coordinate with the catering team to align with the event schedule.
  10. Event Program and Agenda:
    • Develop a detailed event program or agenda. Include timings for each segment, speakers, entertainment, and breaks. Share this with your team and participants well in advance.
  11. Entertainment and Speakers:
    • Secure any entertainment, keynote speakers, or panelists early in the planning process. Ensure they align with your event theme and goals.
  12. Audio-Visual Setup:
    • Arrange for audio-visual equipment and technical support if needed. Test the equipment in advance to avoid any technical glitches during the event.
  13. On-Site Coordination and Staffing:
    • Have a well-coordinated on-site team responsible for different aspects of the event. This includes registration, ushers, technical support, and emergency response teams.
  14. Post-Event Evaluation:
    • After the event, conduct a thorough evaluation to assess its success and gather feedback from participants. Use this information to improve future events.
  15. Thank You and Follow-Up:
    • Express gratitude to participants, sponsors, and partners. Consider sending follow-up communications, such as thank-you emails or surveys, to maintain engagement.

Remember that cultural considerations and local practices are important in Kenya, so understanding the local context will contribute to the success of your event. Additionally, local event planning professionals and agencies can provide valuable insights and assistance in navigating the specifics of organizing events in Kenya.



Sharing all the details of the event with our representative, then receiving a copy of the brief’s summary.

Proposal Discussion

Holding a conversation around a document containing the event’s plan, and budgetary details.


Making the initial transaction to book us for the event.

Event Execution

Implementing all the details of the proposal discussion, as well as making the final transaction.


Event Visual Solutions

Through our stage designing, we complement the effects of both lights, and LED screens. Beyond the concept development stage, our visual designers execute a flawless setup that highlights the experience of different moments in the event’s program.The resolution of our visual gear is top-notch. It brings the best brand experience.

Event Entertainment

We provide compelete event entertainment solutions ranging from DJ services, MC/Host services, Live Band services, Choreography services, among others. We literally lift the hassle that comes with building a solid entertainment team.

Event Audio Systems

Our audio gear delivers unmatched clarity. We have invested in globally trusted brands such as Mackie,Peavey, EletroVoice, Wharfdale, Shure, Proel, etc. We pride ourselves to be one of the best event equipment rental services in Kenya.


We stick to our value system when it comes to how we operate:

  • Excellence:

    Outdoing ourselves in the quality of work we deliver.

  • Customer Experience:

    Honoring our clients by creating value for their investment.

  • Relationship:

    Leaving an everlasting impression that builds a connection with people.

  • Reliability:

    Demonstrating integrity in our commitments.

  • Passion:

    Doing “one more thing” in pursuit of service.

What types of NGO events are commonly organized in Nairobi

In Nairobi, a variety of NGO events are commonly organized to address social, environmental, and humanitarian issues and to engage with communities. Some of the most common types of NGO events in Nairobi include:

  1. Awareness Campaigns: NGOs organize awareness campaigns to educate the public about specific issues such as health, education, human rights, environmental conservation, gender equality, and poverty alleviation.
  2. Fundraising Galas and Dinners: NGOs host fundraising galas, dinners, and charity balls to raise funds for their programs, projects, and initiatives. These events often feature auctions, raffles, performances, and guest speakers to attract donors and supporters.
  3. Community Outreach Programs: NGOs engage in community outreach programs to address local needs, provide services, and build relationships with community members. These programs may include health clinics, clean-up campaigns, youth empowerment initiatives, and skills training workshops.
  4. Advocacy Forums and Policy Dialogues: NGOs facilitate advocacy forums, policy dialogues, and public debates to raise awareness, advocate for policy reforms, and engage with policymakers, stakeholders, and the public on issues of social justice, governance, and human rights.
  5. Capacity Building Workshops: NGOs organize capacity building workshops, seminars, and training programs to enhance the skills, knowledge, and capacities of individuals, organizations, and communities. These programs cover topics such as leadership development, project management, fundraising strategies, and advocacy tactics.
  6. Cultural and Arts Events: NGOs promote cultural exchange, diversity, and creative expression through cultural festivals, art exhibitions, film screenings, music concerts, and theater performances. These events celebrate cultural heritage, promote social inclusion, and foster dialogue across different communities and identities.
  7. Environmental Conservation Initiatives: NGOs engage in environmental conservation initiatives, tree planting campaigns, wildlife conservation projects, and eco-tours to raise awareness about environmental issues, promote sustainable practices, and protect natural habitats and biodiversity.
  8. Humanitarian Relief Efforts: NGOs respond to humanitarian crises, natural disasters, and emergencies by organizing relief efforts, fundraising drives, and community support programs. These efforts provide emergency assistance, shelter, food, and medical aid to affected populations.

Overall, NGO events in Nairobi play a crucial role in raising awareness, mobilizing support, fostering collaboration, and driving positive change in the community. They provide platforms for dialogue, advocacy, and action to address pressing challenges and promote sustainable development.

How can I get involved in NGO events in Nairobi?

Getting involved in NGO events in Nairobi is a meaningful way to contribute to social causes, support community initiatives, and make a positive impact. Here are several ways to get involved in NGO events in Nairobi:

  1. Volunteer: Many NGOs in Nairobi rely on volunteers to assist with event planning, coordination, and execution. Reach out to NGOs directly or visit their websites to inquire about volunteer opportunities and how you can contribute your time and skills.
  2. Attend Events: Stay informed about upcoming NGO events in Nairobi by following NGOs on social media, subscribing to their newsletters, and checking event listings on community platforms. Attend events such as workshops, seminars, fundraisers, and awareness campaigns to learn more about important issues and show your support.
  3. Participate in Community Service Projects: NGOs often organize community service projects, clean-up campaigns, health clinics, and youth empowerment initiatives. Join these projects to actively engage with communities, make a tangible difference, and build meaningful connections with fellow participants.
  4. Donate: Support NGO events and initiatives in Nairobi by making financial contributions or donating goods, supplies, or resources. Your donations can help NGOs fund programs, provide essential services, and address critical needs in the community.
  5. Spread Awareness: Use your voice and influence to raise awareness about important issues and share information about NGO events on social media, blogs, and community forums. Encourage others to get involved, participate in events, and support causes that matter to them.
  6. Collaborate with NGOs: Explore opportunities to collaborate with NGOs on projects, campaigns, or events that align with your interests, expertise, or organizational goals. Collaborative partnerships between individuals, businesses, and NGOs can amplify impact, leverage resources, and drive positive change in the community.
  7. Join Advocacy Efforts: Get involved in advocacy efforts and policy dialogues organized by NGOs to promote social justice, human rights, environmental sustainability, and other important causes. Advocate for policy reforms, raise awareness about systemic issues, and engage with policymakers to effect change.
  8. Participate in Training Programs: Take advantage of training programs, workshops, and capacity building initiatives offered by NGOs to enhance your skills, knowledge, and understanding of social issues. Build your capacity to be an effective advocate, leader, and change agent in your community.

By actively engaging with NGO events in Nairobi, you can contribute to positive social change, build meaningful connections, and make a difference in the lives of others. Choose opportunities that resonate with your interests, values, and passions, and be open to learning, growth, and collaboration along the way.

Where can I find information about upcoming NGO events in Nairobi?

You can find information about upcoming NGO events in Nairobi through various channels and platforms. Here are some places to look for information:

  1. NGO Websites: Visit the websites of NGOs operating in Nairobi to find information about their upcoming events, workshops, seminars, and campaigns. Many NGOs maintain event calendars or announcements sections on their websites to keep the public informed about their activities.
  2. Social Media Platforms: Follow NGOs on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to stay updated on their latest news, events, and initiatives. NGOs often use social media to promote upcoming events, share event details, and engage with their followers.
  3. Event Listing Websites: Explore event listing websites and online platforms that feature listings of upcoming events in Nairobi. Websites such as Eventbrite, Meetup, and Eventful may include listings of NGO events, community forums, workshops, and seminars happening in the city.
  4. Local Media Outlets: Check local newspapers, magazines, and online news portals for event listings, community calendars, and announcements about NGO events in Nairobi. Some media outlets may feature articles, interviews, or event previews highlighting upcoming NGO activities.
  5. Community Notice Boards: Keep an eye out for community notice boards, bulletin boards, and posters in public spaces, community centers, universities, and libraries around Nairobi. NGOs may post flyers or announcements about their events and initiatives for interested individuals to see.
  6. Word of Mouth: Network with friends, colleagues, and acquaintances who are involved in the NGO sector or are interested in social causes. Word of mouth can be a valuable source of information about upcoming NGO events, workshops, and volunteer opportunities in Nairobi.
  7. Email Newsletters: Subscribe to email newsletters and mailing lists of NGOs, community organizations, and advocacy groups operating in Nairobi. Many NGOs send out regular newsletters to subscribers with updates, announcements, and invitations to upcoming events.
  8. Online Forums and Groups: Join online forums, discussion groups, and community platforms dedicated to social causes, activism, and volunteerism in Nairobi. These platforms may provide opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals, share information about upcoming events, and collaborate on initiatives.

By exploring these channels and platforms, you can stay informed about upcoming NGO events in Nairobi and find opportunities to get involved, participate, and make a difference in your community.

Are NGO events open to the public?

Whether NGO events are open to the public depends on the specific event and the policies of the organizing NGO. In many cases, NGO events are indeed open to the public, especially those aimed at raising awareness, mobilizing support, and engaging with the community. However, there are also instances where events may be limited to invited guests, registered participants, or members of specific organizations.

Here are some factors to consider regarding the openness of NGO events to the public:

  1. Event Type: The type of event may influence its accessibility to the public. Fundraising galas, workshops, seminars, awareness campaigns, and community outreach programs are often open to the public to encourage broad participation and engagement.
  2. Registration Requirements: Some NGO events may require registration or RSVPs for logistical purposes, such as managing attendance, allocating resources, and planning seating arrangements. Registration processes may vary, and some events may have limited capacity, leading to registration deadlines or waitlists.
  3. Invitations and Guest Lists: Certain NGO events, particularly fundraising dinners, charity balls, or exclusive gatherings, may require invitations or guest lists for entry. These events may target specific donors, supporters, stakeholders, or VIP guests and may have stricter access controls.
  4. Publicity and Promotion: NGOs typically promote their events through various channels, including social media, websites, newsletters, and community outreach efforts. Events that are open to the public are often promoted more widely to attract attendees and maximize participation.
  5. Accessibility Considerations: NGOs may consider accessibility factors when planning events, including venue accessibility, language accessibility, accommodation for persons with disabilities, and provisions for diverse communities. Openness to the public may align with efforts to promote inclusivity and diversity.
  6. Purpose and Objectives: The purpose and objectives of the event may influence its accessibility. Events focused on community engagement, advocacy, and dialogue often prioritize public participation to foster collaboration, raise awareness, and promote civic engagement.

To determine if an NGO event is open to the public, individuals can check event announcements, promotional materials, registration instructions, and communication from the organizing NGO. Details regarding event accessibility, registration requirements, guest policies, and participation guidelines are typically provided to help interested individuals understand how they can attend or participate in the event.

What impact do NGO events in Nairobi have on the local community?

NGO events in Nairobi can have a significant and multifaceted impact on the local community. Here are some ways in which NGO events contribute to positive change and development:

  1. Raising Awareness: NGO events in Nairobi raise awareness about critical social, environmental, and humanitarian issues affecting the local community and beyond. Through workshops, seminars, awareness campaigns, and public forums, NGOs educate the public, spark conversations, and highlight the importance of addressing pressing challenges.
  2. Mobilizing Support: NGO events mobilize support from individuals, organizations, businesses, and government entities to address community needs and advance common goals. By showcasing the work of NGOs, sharing success stories, and engaging stakeholders, events encourage collective action and solidarity in addressing shared concerns.
  3. Building Networks and Partnerships: NGO events provide opportunities for networking, collaboration, and partnership-building among stakeholders, including NGOs, government agencies, civil society organizations, academia, and the private sector. Collaboration fosters innovation, leverages resources, and strengthens collective efforts to tackle complex issues.
  4. Empowering Communities: NGO events empower communities by providing platforms for participation, engagement, and empowerment. Community members have the opportunity to voice their concerns, share their experiences, and contribute to decision-making processes that affect their lives. Empowerment leads to greater ownership, agency, and resilience within communities.
  5. Promoting Social Inclusion: NGO events promote social inclusion by creating spaces that welcome diverse perspectives, identities, and backgrounds. Events celebrate cultural diversity, promote equity and social justice, and challenge discrimination and exclusion. Inclusive environments foster understanding, tolerance, and solidarity among community members.
  6. Driving Policy Change: NGO events advocate for policy change, legislative reforms, and institutional improvements to address systemic challenges and promote human rights, social justice, and sustainable development. Through advocacy campaigns, policy dialogues, and public engagement, NGOs influence decision-makers and shape policy agendas.
  7. Providing Services and Support: Some NGO events offer direct services, support, and resources to meet community needs. Health clinics, legal aid services, skills training workshops, and emergency relief efforts provide vital assistance to vulnerable populations and underserved communities.
  8. Inspiring Action and Volunteerism: NGO events inspire individuals to take action, get involved, and make a difference in their communities. By sharing stories of impact, showcasing volunteer opportunities, and highlighting pathways for engagement, events motivate people to contribute their time, skills, and resources to meaningful causes.

Overall, NGO events in Nairobi play a crucial role in fostering community resilience, promoting social cohesion, and driving positive change. By mobilizing resources, raising awareness, building partnerships, and empowering communities, these events contribute to building a more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable society.

Can organizations collaborate with NGOs to sponsor or host events in Nairobi?

Yes, organizations can collaborate with NGOs to sponsor or host events in Nairobi, and such collaborations can be mutually beneficial for both parties. Here’s how organizations can collaborate with NGOs to sponsor or host events:

  1. Financial Sponsorship: Organizations can provide financial support to NGOs to help fund their events, initiatives, and programs. Financial sponsorship may involve contributing funds to cover event expenses such as venue rental, catering, logistics, marketing, and guest speakers.
  2. In-Kind Sponsorship: Instead of providing financial support, organizations can offer in-kind donations of goods, services, or resources to support NGO events. In-kind sponsorship may include providing event venues, catering services, printing materials, audio-visual equipment, transportation, or promotional items.
  3. Strategic Partnerships: Organizations can form strategic partnerships with NGOs to co-host or co-sponsor events that align with their shared goals, values, and priorities. Collaborative partnerships enable organizations and NGOs to leverage their strengths, networks, and expertise to maximize impact and reach broader audiences.
  4. Event Hosting: Organizations with suitable facilities or venues can offer to host NGO events, workshops, seminars, or meetings at their premises. Hosting events provides organizations with an opportunity to showcase their commitment to social responsibility, community engagement, and partnership-building.
  5. Promotional Support: Organizations can help promote NGO events by sharing event information through their communication channels, such as websites, newsletters, social media platforms, and employee networks. Promotional support increases event visibility, attracts attendees, and enhances outreach efforts.
  6. Employee Engagement: Organizations can encourage employee participation and volunteerism in NGO events by offering opportunities for staff members to contribute their time, skills, and expertise. Employee engagement fosters a sense of corporate social responsibility and strengthens organizational commitment to community development.
  7. Cause Marketing Initiatives: Organizations can engage in cause marketing initiatives with NGOs to raise awareness, drive social impact, and support shared causes. Cause marketing campaigns tied to NGO events can generate public interest, consumer engagement, and positive brand associations.
  8. Long-Term Partnerships: Organizations and NGOs can explore opportunities for long-term partnerships beyond individual events. Long-term partnerships enable sustained collaboration, joint initiatives, and collective efforts to address complex social, environmental, and humanitarian challenges.

By collaborating with NGOs to sponsor or host events in Nairobi, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to social impact, community engagement, and sustainable development. Through strategic partnerships, organizations and NGOs can create meaningful opportunities for collaboration, innovation, and positive change in the local community

How can I stay informed about NGO events and initiatives in Nairobi throughout the year?

Staying informed about NGO events and initiatives in Nairobi throughout the year requires proactive engagement and access to reliable sources of information. Here are several strategies to help you stay informed:

  1. Subscribe to NGO Newsletters: Many NGOs operating in Nairobi have newsletters that they send out periodically to subscribers. Subscribe to newsletters of NGOs whose work aligns with your interests and causes. These newsletters often contain updates about upcoming events, initiatives, campaigns, and volunteer opportunities.
  2. Follow NGOs on Social Media: Follow NGOs on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. NGOs regularly post updates, announcements, and event invitations on their social media profiles. Engaging with NGOs on social media allows you to stay updated in real-time and participate in online discussions.
  3. Check NGO Websites: Visit the websites of NGOs operating in Nairobi to access information about their ongoing projects, events calendars, and community initiatives. Many NGOs maintain event listings, blog posts, and news sections on their websites where they share updates and announcements.
  4. Attend Community Meetings and Forums: Participate in community meetings, forums, and networking events where NGOs and community organizations gather to discuss issues, share insights, and collaborate on initiatives. These meetings provide opportunities to learn about upcoming events, connect with like-minded individuals, and get involved in community activities.
  5. Join Online Platforms and Forums: Join online platforms, forums, and discussion groups dedicated to social causes, volunteerism, and community engagement in Nairobi. Websites such as Meetup, Eventbrite, and online community forums may feature listings of NGO events and opportunities for participation.
  6. Network with NGOs and Community Leaders: Build relationships with NGOs, community leaders, activists, and volunteers who are actively involved in social and humanitarian work in Nairobi. Networking allows you to receive firsthand information about upcoming events, initiatives, and advocacy campaigns.
  7. Subscribe to Event Listing Platforms: Subscribe to event listing platforms and websites that feature listings of events happening in Nairobi. These platforms may include NGO events, workshops, seminars, fundraisers, and community gatherings.
  8. Stay Updated through Local Media: Keep an eye on local newspapers, magazines, radio stations, and online news portals for coverage of NGO activities, community events, and social impact stories in Nairobi. Media outlets often feature articles, interviews, and event listings related to NGOs and civil society initiatives.

By adopting a combination of these strategies, you can stay informed about NGO events and initiatives in Nairobi throughout the year, identify opportunities for engagement, and contribute to positive social change in your community.

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