We provide complete event entertainment solutions for you so that you can rest without stressing about last minute surprises

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Creating lasting memories through quality service.


Powering events by the virtue of excellence to all clients.

How to organize an Event in Kenya

Organizing an event in Kenya, whether it’s a conference, wedding, concert, or any other gathering, involves several key steps. Here’s a general guide to help you plan and execute a successful event in Kenya:

  1. Define the Event Objectives:
    • Clearly outline the goals and objectives of your event. Understand the purpose and what you aim to achieve to guide the planning process.
  2. Budget Planning:
    • Establish a realistic budget that covers all anticipated expenses, including venue costs, catering, entertainment, marketing, and other miscellaneous items. Allocate funds wisely based on your priorities.
  3. Select a Suitable Venue:
    • Choose a venue that aligns with the event’s size, theme, and logistics. Consider factors like accessibility, capacity, facilities, and ambiance. Popular event venues in Kenya include hotels, conference centers, and dedicated event spaces.
  4. Obtain Necessary Permits and Licenses:
    • Check with local authorities and regulatory bodies to ensure you have all the required permits and licenses. This may include permits for public events, alcohol licenses, and health and safety clearances.
  5. Event Date and Timing:
    • Select a date and time that is convenient for your target audience and aligns with the nature of your event. Be mindful of public holidays and other events that may affect attendance.
  6. Event Logistics:
    • Plan the logistics, including transportation, parking, and accommodation if necessary. Ensure that attendees can easily access the venue and that there are sufficient facilities for their comfort.
  7. Event Marketing and Promotion:
    • Create a comprehensive marketing strategy to promote your event. Utilize social media, email marketing, traditional media, and partnerships to reach your target audience. Consider collaborating with local influencers or relevant organizations for increased visibility.
  8. Registration and Ticketing:
    • If applicable, set up an efficient registration and ticketing system. Online platforms can simplify the process and help you keep track of attendee numbers.
  9. Catering Services:
    • Arrange for catering services that suit the preferences of your audience. Ensure there are options for different dietary needs, and coordinate with the catering team to align with the event schedule.
  10. Event Program and Agenda:
    • Develop a detailed event program or agenda. Include timings for each segment, speakers, entertainment, and breaks. Share this with your team and participants well in advance.
  11. Entertainment and Speakers:
    • Secure any entertainment, keynote speakers, or panelists early in the planning process. Ensure they align with your event theme and goals.
  12. Audio-Visual Setup:
    • Arrange for audio-visual equipment and technical support if needed. Test the equipment in advance to avoid any technical glitches during the event.
  13. On-Site Coordination and Staffing:
    • Have a well-coordinated on-site team responsible for different aspects of the event. This includes registration, ushers, technical support, and emergency response teams.
  14. Post-Event Evaluation:
    • After the event, conduct a thorough evaluation to assess its success and gather feedback from participants. Use this information to improve future events.
  15. Thank You and Follow-Up:
    • Express gratitude to participants, sponsors, and partners. Consider sending follow-up communications, such as thank-you emails or surveys, to maintain engagement.

Remember that cultural considerations and local practices are important in Kenya, so understanding the local context will contribute to the success of your event. Additionally, local event planning professionals and agencies can provide valuable insights and assistance in navigating the specifics of organizing events in Kenya.



Sharing all the details of the event with our representative, then receiving a copy of the brief’s summary.

Proposal Discussion

Holding a conversation around a document containing the event’s plan, and budgetary details.


Making the initial transaction to book us for the event.

Event Execution

Implementing all the details of the proposal discussion, as well as making the final transaction.


Event Visual Solutions

Through our stage designing, we complement the effects of both lights, and LED screens. Beyond the concept development stage, our visual designers execute a flawless setup that highlights the experience of different moments in the event’s program.The resolution of our visual gear is top-notch. It brings the best brand experience.

Event Entertainment

We provide compelete event entertainment solutions ranging from DJ services, MC/Host services, Live Band services, Choreography services, among others. We literally lift the hassle that comes with building a solid entertainment team.

Event Audio Systems

Our audio gear delivers unmatched clarity. We have invested in globally trusted brands such as Mackie,Peavey, EletroVoice, Wharfdale, Shure, Proel, etc. We pride ourselves to be one of the best event equipment rental services in Kenya.


We stick to our value system when it comes to how we operate:

  • Excellence:

    Outdoing ourselves in the quality of work we deliver.

  • Customer Experience:

    Honoring our clients by creating value for their investment.

  • Relationship:

    Leaving an everlasting impression that builds a connection with people.

  • Reliability:

    Demonstrating integrity in our commitments.

  • Passion:

    Doing “one more thing” in pursuit of service.

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